Welcome to the official website of the Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club

The Home of VK4WIR

Based in Rockhampton Qld, We operate 3 Main repeater sites VK4RAR (Mt Archer), VK4RWN (Wowan) and VK4RBF (Byfield),

The hobby of Amateur Radio has a long and proud tradition. The very first radio amateurs were true pioneers of radio technology. Amateurs ‘invented’ and refined much of the early radio technology and were the first to transmit music, radio plays, and information to the handful of people who had the new fangled radio receivers.

After World War II the hobby of amateur radio flourished. Radio clubs sprang up in schools all over the world and kids went home each night to build some new contraption, or have a chat with someone over the wireless. These young people became the mainstay of the technical professions and developed much of the modern technology we use today.

The club meets on the 3rd Monday of the month, General Meeting starts at 7.00 pm, grab a meal and a drink and see some radio friends from 6.00 pm at the Rockhampton Sports Club 1 Lion Creek Rd, Wandal.  Everyone is welcome

The club provides a range of activity’s for all levels of operators from foundation through to advance. Activities include radio nets on Tuesday evenings, news and call back on Sundays, major event communications and International Lighthouse and Lightship days.


For those looking to enter the exciting world of amateur radio RADAR can help.

Foundation, Standard and Advanced assessments and training are available. These courses are conducted on behalf of the AMC Australian Maritime College with experienced, fully qualified registered Assessors. Clive Sait VK4ACC is available to assist in helping organise training/education for new licences and also licence upgrades. Please contact Clive on 0429632815